You have a box of great promo items ready to take to a trade show. You bought them because you know they're the most effective possible advertising for your company. Now how can you get the best "bang for your buck" from these items? Follow these simple rules:
1. Keep it neat. Display the promotional items nicely. Remember, potential customers will not automatically know how much you spent for the items, so you have the opportunity to increase their perceived value. If you dump a box of pens onto your table, they will look like they have little value. But if you line them up neatly in rows, they will seem more valuable to people passing by.
2. Keep in touch. Placing a promotional item in a potential customer's hand is the single best way to increase that item's perceived value. Something lying on a table is just an object, but when you place it in a potential customer's hand, you have made personal contact. Add a smile or a handshake, and you may have made a business contact.
3. Keep your business cards nearby. Some potential customers will appreciate the little flashlight imprinted with your company's contact information, but they'll also want a business card they can put in their file. Keep a neat stack of your cards near your promotional items, and both will appear to have more value.
That's all there is to it -- display nicely, add the personal touch, and provide a card version of your contact information. Then you'll get the most from your new promotional items.
WWW.BESTLOGOPRODUCTS.COM provides imprinted advertising specialties and business gifts for client thank yous and trade show give aways such as logo memo clips, imprinted pens, keytags, stress squeeze items desk and pocket items. We service both large and small business quickly and at a low cost.
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